Tuesday 19 March 2013


Hi everyone!
This is all completely new to me and I'm am trying to teach myself how to create a blog so bear with me while I get everything going. I want to start by saying I am in no way a fitness expert, health expert, nutritionist, etc... I am a stay at home mom and Navy wife who is also in grad school for my Masters degree in Teaching degree. I have 3 kids ages 3-6 who keep me on my toes.  We are stationed here in Guam but should be coming back stateside by the end of the year. I absolutely love it here but am ready for a change.

Over the last year fitness and health has become very important to me. I tried a few things off and on last year but never really stuck to anything. I didn't have one AHA! moment or any event that made me want to change my ways.  It's a bunch of little things over the last couple years that add up over time and make you want to scream ENOUGH!  It has taken me a long time to realize that there is no magic pill, diet, or workout. It's a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and supplements if you want to take those. If you are going to take supplements make sure you are smart about it and always check with a doctor before starting a program or taking something new.

The last couple months I have made a lot of changes and want to share them with family, friends, or anyone who may just need a little motivation.  I am fortunate to live in an area full or motivated and active people who are here to hold me accountable everyday.  I joined with Fit Approach as a Sweat Pink Ambassador and love that community as well. They are a great group of women working to get fit and support each other. I am here to be your support and push you when you need that extra little boost.  I hope this blog will help you on your journey and feel free to contact me with questions, comments, etc.  I look forward to meeting all of you.


  1. You are so right! There are no magic pills or tricks to losing weight and staying fit. It requires hard work and dedication. Glad you figured that and are willing to help others with similar backgrounds. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks Z! I'm really glad I found such a great group of people to help me and help me help others.

  2. Good article. I think alot of people can related to this. It just takes work and will power. good job!!!!

  3. I am new to blogging too, so I understand how we need to get the hang of it. Definitely different than what I normally do, but I am finding that it is a lot of fun!

    I am looking forward to following your journey!

    1. Thanks Cori! I'm still working on all the kinks and getting the guts up to start sharing but I think I'm finally figuring it all out.
